Welcome to Controlled Attention, where style meets substance in the rugged terrain of Tucson, Arizona. Thank you for your interest in our brand - here's a bit about us!



The modern world is a challenging environment for young men, as our attention is often misdirected from an early age. With an abundance of distractions, maintaining discipline and focusing on what truly matters can seem impossible. Entertainment, social media, junk food, porn, drugs, and alcohol, while socially acceptable, hinder our success and cause long-term harm. At Controlled Attention, we urge you to set aside these distractions and focus on the essential aspects of your life, fostering true fulfillment and lasting success.


From a young age, we're bombarded with messages that encourage instant gratification and fleeting pleasures. Social media creates a constant comparison trap, making us feel inadequate and disconnected. Junk food offers immediate comfort but wreaks havoc on our health over time. Pornography distorts our perceptions of relationships and intimacy, while drugs and alcohol promise temporary relief but lead to long-term harm. These distractions not only waste our time but also drain our energy and potential.


The challenge lies in recognizing these pitfalls and making a conscious effort to rise above them. It's about reclaiming our focus and directing our attention toward what truly enriches our lives—our goals, our passions, our relationships, and our personal growth. This requires a shift in mindset and a commitment to long-term fulfillment over short-term pleasures.


At Controlled Attention, we believe in the power of deliberate living. We advocate for a lifestyle where intentional choices replace mindless habits, and where every action is aligned with a greater purpose. By focusing on what matters, you can build a life that is not only successful but also deeply fulfilling.


We understand that this journey is not easy and that it requires support and guidance. That's why we are dedicated to providing you with the tools and inspiration you need to stay on track. Whether it's through our motivational content, our empowering clothing, or our supportive community, we're here to help you navigate the challenges and stay focused on your path to greatness.


Remember, the distractions will always be there, tempting you with their easy allure. But true success and happiness come from discipline, perseverance, and a clear focus on what truly matters. At Controlled Attention, we're committed to helping you achieve that focus and unlock your full potential.



At Controlled Attention, we don't just create clothes; we engineer armor for the modern warrior. Our motto, "FOCUS ON WHAT MATTERS”, encapsulates our core philosophy. It’s a call to action, urging you to cut through the noise and zero in on your true goals and aspirations. Our clothing is designed not just for style, but to serve as a constant reminder to stay disciplined, resilient, and unwavering in your pursuit of what truly matters. Each piece is crafted to inspire you to maintain your focus, harness your inner strength, and keep pushing forward, no matter the challenges. With Controlled Attention, you're not just wearing a brand; you're embracing a mindset.



Inspired by the raw beauty of the Sonoran Desert, and the unconquerable spirit that the vast untamed desert represents, many of our designs pay homage to the soul of the Southwest. From the blazing sunsets and dark night skies to the natural hues of the diverse wildlife, our colors echo the essence of our desert home.



The name Controlled Attention is inspired by Napoleon Hill's profound work, "How to Own Your Own Mind." This concept of focused determination drives everything we do at Controlled Attention. Our clothing and content draw from a wealth of self-help wisdom, channeling insights from influential authors like Robert Greene, Gary Keller, Charles Duhigg, Jordan Peterson, and of course, the great Napoleon Hill. We also delve into the teachings of ancient philosophers, great leaders, and the most successful businessmen, merging timeless strategies with modern knowledge. Each piece we create and every message we share aims to empower you to focus on what truly matters, guiding you on your journey of self-improvement and success.



We are excited to grow alongside you on your journey of self empowerment and personal evolution. Together, we'll conquer new frontiers in style and self-mastery, embracing both the challenges and triumphs that come our way. Thank you for joining us, and we look forward to supporting and inspiring each other every step of the way.

-Reese Parsons (Owner/CEO)